
NGT-F Services

The network bandwidth and transmission rate in private enterprises, government agencies or schools can be greatly increased, making it essential to improve the network environment. Traffic management requires a series of high-efficiency calculations and analyses to identify and label the enormous amount of information, such as application services and source users hidden in transmission traffic, and to record and present the information on a timeline so that administrators can understand the organization’s network traffic status and clearly implement the traffic management policy, maximizing the use of the organization’s limited network bandwidth resources. In this way, the resources purchased by the organization can be appropriately allocated based on operational objectives and security threats, as well as make it possible to identify and reduce resource consumption caused by improper traffic.

Traffic Shaper

WAN Management Can Help You

Bandwidth Control / Guarantee Policy
Large-bandwidth network traffic and gateway management enable all incoming and outgoing Internet packet traffic to be fully managed even in multiple broadband circuit environments.
Authentication of the online identity of internal users or guests can be easily converted into policies based on account or department conditions. The application extended to analysis reports will help supervisors with non-IT professional backgrounds to directly interpret them.
Analysis Report
The built-in user-friendly chart method presents various statistical rankings and analysis data, and counts application services, users and domain information from the perspective of traffic and connection volume.
X-View Report System
The preservation of traffic history records is absolutely necessary for the restoration of events. The detail and completeness of the records are related to the location and search speed of the problem.
The preservation of traffic history records is absolutely necessary for the restoration of events. The detail and completeness of the records are related to the location and search speed of the problem.
Built-in application layer content feature identification and highly flexible authentication integration mechanism greatly improve the visibility of organizational network traffic.

NGT-F Diversified Deployment Model

SPAN Mode : Connection Logging 、 Reporting
In-line Mode : B/W-M、QoS、AAA、Behavior Mgt、Security、Reporting
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